The Effects of Scoliosis on Daily Life and How a Chiropractor Can Help Reduce Its Effects

People who suffer from scoliosis may find themselves in constant pain and may struggle with mobility and other issues. In some cases, scoliosis can even put pressure on your lungs and make it hard to breathe. This condition is caused by a sideways curve in your spine, which can cause problems throughout the body. Fortunately, you can work with a chiropractor to secure relief. Do you live in or near Costa Mesa, CA? If so, stop by Coast Family Chiropractic.

A Quick Look at Scoliosis

Unfortunately, scoliosis is a relatively common condition, and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons reports that up to 3 percent of the population can be affected by it. Thankfully, there are a variety of treatment options that could provide both long and short-term relief.

Typically, scoliosis starts to appear between the ages of 10 and 15. However, this condition can occur at pretty much any point in life, so it’s important to always keep an eye out. If you’re starting to develop a bend in your spine, it’s wise to address it quickly before the condition progresses.

If you suffer from this condition, chronic pain could become the norm. Not only might you suffer back pain, but you could experience strain in your neck and other parts of your body. This might increase the risk of things like tension headaches.

Mobility issues are also common. When you move, you may suffer increased pain, for example. Further, pressure on your lungs may reduce stamina. This condition can also cause problems with your stature. For example, one shoulder may rest higher than the other.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractic care, including spinal adjustments, can be used to reduce strain and pressure throughout your body. This can provide pain relief and will help ensure better spinal health. Massage therapy, meanwhile, can be used to reduce muscle tension. If you or your loved ones are struggling with scoliosis or other back issues, it's wise to work with a chiropractor near you. Need chiropractic care in Costa Mesa, CA? Visit Coast Family Chiropractic.


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